10/11/20 – First Visit, Twilight

After a Sunday full of calc homework, I biked to McKenzie Park while the sun was setting, hoping I could get a few good pictures in before it got completely dark. It was basically a straight shot from Redstone, past the University Green, and downhill to a dirt road that I rode on for about ten minutes before I got to McKenzie Park.

As I arrived at the park, the last bit of sunlight illuminated a grassy expanse of milkweed. I made my way to the Winooski, where I almost fell into the water as I slid down the bank at the edge of the river. A startled frog hopped into the water. I sat on the edge and listened to what seemed like a couple of loons down the river. I later walked farther down the bank, observing a variety of bushy, grassy plants including wood nettle, jewelweed, and the invasive Japanese knotweed. I stopped to eat some wild grapes before I made my way back up the bank.

I promised myself to visit during the daytime next time I’m over there so that I can identify more of the vegetation in the area. I was glad to be there just after the sunset though, just because of the beauty and the tranquility of the night’s fading light.

Rice, J. (2020). [McKenzie Park overlooking the Winooski River].
Rice, J. (2020). [Milkweed at McKenzie Park].
Rice, J. (2020). [Bird’s nest at McKenzie Park].


Beckett, S., & Ford, S. (2016, December 3). McKenzie Park. https://enjoyburlington.com/mckenzie-parkland/.

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