Banner Images

The images you see on the banner are of places and people involved in our research.

cropped-DSCN0241.jpgSurveying Image: Lindsey Ruhl (MS Student, Class of 2014) surveys small changes in elevation in a flood prone field near the Winooski River, Burlington, VT. This work is funded by a grant from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, SARE (


cropped-DSCN0618.jpgEarthworm burrows made by Lumbricus rubellus (Red Worm)in soil from an experimental microcosm designed to measure greenhouse gases. This work is part of Ryan Melnichuk’s thesis work.



Ryan Melnichuk inspecting a Amynthas agrestis specimen found at the Williston rest stop on I89 S.



DSCN1419Swiss chard plots at Bella Farm in Monkton ( These plots are part of Peter Austin’s (MS student and farm manager at East Shore Winery) thesis project on vermicompost. This work is funded by SARE (





The view within an earthworm burrow on a starless night. Soils are opaque…






View of the Adriatic sea near Izmir on a field trip with personnel form the  Olive Research Station in Bornova near Izmir (





Lake Champlain seen from Barton Island while surveying for earthworms this summer. The work was funded by a grant obtained By Don Ross et al. from the Northeastern States Research Cooperative (




A seepage faceDSCN0937 on a lime stone rock face at Hocking Hill State park, Ohio. Iron oxides (red ooze) are precipitating on contact with air (





Justin Richardson (PhD student, Dartmouth College) and Paliza Shresta (MS Virginia Tech. and a volunteer at UVM) weighing soil from a quantitative soil pit dug for Justin’s thesis work.