Changing Seasons and Wildlife

Since last visiting my Phenology site, there are a few differences that come with the changing of seasons. Most of the trees that drop their leaves in the fall had done so, with the exception of some Oaks and Norway Maples.  There were also fewer berries on barberry plants, and the leaves had a more yellowish tint. I also noticed many more mushrooms around the site, especially on the fallen trees. As for the wildlife in the area, I saw some fish darting around the stream and I’m sure there was some other aquatic life in the stream. While walking around the site I saw a few ribbon snakes slithering into the more covered areas. Along the stream bank there were some animal tracks. One looked like a paw print, I’m unsure what type of animal created it, and the other looked like it could have come from a deer. Fall is coming and bringing some changes to nature with it.


(All photos taken by Jenna Goodman)

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