4/13/21 Visit: Signs of Spring

It was nice to return to my spot and see hints of spring coming through, as I hadn’t been there in a while and on my last visit the scenery was pretty drab. I saw several types of trees budding and beginning to regain their leaves. On red maples, I could see the tiny new leaves sprouting from branches. American beech and birch had many buds. I also saw the beginnings of some Japanese honeysuckle, as well as the leaf recovery of common buckthorn towards the trail’s entrance. However, overall there is still almost no herbaceous plants emerging, which has been constant in East Woods. I think it has something to do with the low amount of sunlight reaching the ground, as well as the consistent covering of the ground with leaves and debris.

The woods were quieter than usual. I did hear some birds chirping, but they seemed a ways away. I turned over some logs in hopes of making a discovery but to no avail. I did see more holes in the central dead tree of my spot, with some twigs and pine needles gathered, but it appeared disturbed and maybe deserted. The ground was dry and covered in leaves and such so I couldn’t find any tracks. I saw some chipping off a dead tree, but the source of the damage was unclear. I also saw a huge mushroom that looked like it came off one of the surrounding trees because of its shape.

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