15 Minutes of Rock Point

Upon Sitting down at my Phenology site, I was met with the whipping winds coming from the cliffside. These winds constantly hit me in the face, but I found them to be more relaxing than annoying. I could hear the trees around me rustling and creaking due to the wind, with some even making loud squeaking creaks due to how high the wind was. The waves crashing against the cliffs were a calming sound which complemented the wind. I can see the other side of the lake, an unknown yet beautiful place with an even more beautiful marine ecosystem separating me from it. While my location was shrouded in clouds, I could see other places that only knew sunny skies and nice weather that day. My location is a place that can seem harsh and disorienting, but when one stops to listen and feel, it can turn Lone Rock Point into a place unlike any other that allows you to see places whose environment is much different.

Birds-Eye View Drawing By me

The most noticeable change that I saw when going up to Rock Point this time was that almost all of the trees apart from the ones near the shore were all without their leaves. When I first went there, there were a quite a few leaves on the trails, but now the entire forest is covered in maple leaves. Only the cedar trees growing out towards the lake still had their leaves. Another thing I noticed is that most small flowers and vegetation has mostly withered away. The unknown flower I saw a lot of in my first visit is nowhere to be seen now, and lots of small shrubs or plants have either lost all of their leaves or died due to the colder weather.

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