
Archive for the ‘Recent Activities’ Category

Huertas is trying something new this year! For the rest of the season every month Huertas will send out a newsletter with updates, on how the gardens are going, different events we are holding, and quick bits on its supporters! If you would like to receive one sign up for our listserv by emailing us […]

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This is Mary Petronio! She is a double major in Global Studies & Spanish. She was drawn to the Huertas program because of her experience studying abroad in Argentina last semester. There she studied the challenges facing Latin American immigrants. To her ” Huertas is really important because it builds a community for farmworkers who would be […]

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Meet Rayne!

Rayne is one of our other amazing field interns. As an anthropology major and Spanish minor, Rayne has read a lot about the greater systemic issues of immigration and food security.  When she read about the Huertas program, she felt like it was the perfect fit for her.  It combined many of  her interests and elements […]

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Meet Elena Palermo!

Elena is one of our field interns! She is Nutrition and Food Science major with a food systems minor. Elena spent 4 and a half months of her gap year between high school and college living with a Latino family in Viña del Mar, Chile. Through immersion, she developed a deep understanding and love for […]

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Huertas is back for yet another season! Each season brings us back together with a number of individuals, farms, partners, and organizations. Each week we will be introducing one of these groups that are essential to Huertas’ success, staring with our interns! Meet Tasha Naula, one of our Communications Intern! Tasha is a junior majoring in […]

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As the service-learning liaison I am in charge of fostering the blossoming (pun-intended) relationship between our participants and a cohort of Spanish 101 students at UVM.   The Spanish 101 Composition & Conversation course, which explores the history of human migration from Mexico to the US, is designated as a service-learning class by the UVM Community-University […]

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This weeks blog post comes from our Alianza Latina liaison, Jennifer Gil Leaving my rich, and diverse Latino community back home and coming to UVM not only left me in shock but feeling so out of place. There’s nothing I miss more than the smell of the El Salvadorian and Colombian bakeries on every corner, […]

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This blog post is from one of our field interns, Eliza Hamburger. As an out-of-state UVM student from Washington D.C., I have been largely unfamiliar with the dairy industry in Vermont, and the migrant workers who keep it running, for most of my life. When I was accepted to be the field intern for the […]

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As the Health and Nutrition Intern for Bridges to Health, my involvement with the farmworker population is slightly different. I am developing 8 week long nutrition education programs for two different women that I visit every week and I will then plant a huerta with them later on in the season. I began my home […]

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Hola.  These passed few weeks have been a whirlwind of farm visits and spring can’t come soon enough.  Cultivating interest among farmworkers within the central region of Vermont has proven quite the challenge, as many remain unconvinced that the grass will ever reemerge.  Hopefully with extended daylight hours and the temperature rising, enthusiasm for joining […]

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