Bird’s eye view

Lalumia, E. (2020)

The most visible change in landscape since I visited Centennial last is the clear changing of the seasons. The bright colors of the deciduous trees indicate that leaves are loosing their chlorophyll which is responsible for the transition from summer green to colorful autumn leaves. As peak foliage in Vermont comes to an end, leaves are starting to fall off. As wildlife starts to prepare for cold winter days ahead, I have been able to catch glimpses of a few different animals. I saw a flock of geese flying south for the winter. I see some eastern chipmunks scurry across grounds. I also saw a black-capped chickadee in the reeds of centennial meadow. I am praying for a safe winter for all the wildlife that is bearing with us in our changing climate. And for all my blog post readers… stay warm out there!

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