Experiential Learning & Job Opportunities

February 15, 2017
by rmgonzal

Rubenstein Summer Research Expo position descriptions are in!

This just in…position descriptions being presented at the Rubenstein Summer Research Expo are attached to this email!! Read through the position descriptions & note the ones you’re interested in. You’ll see that some of the positions are paid and some … Continue reading

February 6, 2017
by rmgonzal

Job openings with Redstart Natural Resource Management – Invasive Species & Forestry Technician

While some of the details and exact projects aren’t nailed down yet, we know that we need to hire 2-3 people for the summer and perhaps longer. We generally see our summer positions as a good way for people to … Continue reading

February 1, 2017
by rmgonzal

Hiring Sierra National Forest Wilderness Interns

Want to be a wilderness intern this summer in the Sierra National Forest?!!? They’re looking to hire 7 summer interns. Check out the attachment for more info. -Anna 2017-snf-wilderness-intern-flyer Forest Service Shield micki didier Lead Wilderness Ranger Forest Service Sierra … Continue reading

February 1, 2017
by rmgonzal

Internship & Job Opportunities – your weekly update

Hello Rubenstein students, Below are some environmentally related internship and job opportunities that may be of interest to you. To view these positions, log onto Catamount Job Link and search by the identified position ID numbers. Many positions have upcoming … Continue reading

January 27, 2017
by rmgonzal

Alpinist Magazine Internship, Jefferson, VT

Good morning Rubenstein students, Please see the attached announcement for an editorial intern at Alpinist Magazine http://www.alpinist.com/ in Jeffersonville, VT. Contact Paula directly (contact info below). -Anna — Paula A. Wright Associate Editor Alpinist Magazine Height of Land Publications 60 … Continue reading

January 27, 2017
by rmgonzal

Perennial Internship Application Deadline is this Sunday – Jan. 29th by midnight

REMINDER!!! Summer 2017 Rubenstein Perennial Internship Program applications are due this Sunday – Jan. 29th by midnight!! Note that the Rubenstein website has recently changed – the Perennial site is correctly hyperlinked above and here: http://www.uvm.edu/rsenr/rubenstein_school_perennial_summer_internship_program I look forward to … Continue reading

January 25, 2017
by rmgonzal

Forestry summer internship opportunities in South Dakota

Attached is information about 3 forestry related summer internships in South Dakota. -Anna Anna Smiles-Becker Career Counselor & Internship Coordinator Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources / University of Vermont Aiken Center 220G / Burlington, VT 05405 802-656-3002 forestryinternadforesthealthinternad … Continue reading

January 25, 2017
by rmgonzal

Summer job w. The Nature Conservancy – Summer American Elm Technician

The Nature Conservancy is hiring two seasonal employees for American elm monitoring work this summer, based out of northeastern VT. A chance to gain experience and work on a cool project. Dr. Christian Marks, floodplain ecologist with TNC’s Connecticut River … Continue reading

January 25, 2017
by rmgonzal

2017 Harvard Forest Summer Research Program

Greetings from Harvard Forest! We are offering an exciting summer program for undergraduate students to collaborate with scientists conducting ecological research. Attached is a detailed program brochure as well as a few power point slides for presentation to interested students. … Continue reading

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