Experiential Learning & Job Opportunities

Research Opportunities (Part 1 and Part 2)


I hope that you’ve all enjoyed the sunshine at some point today!  I know that many of you are interested in gaining research experience.  Below you will find a list of awesome graduate students and faculty members in the Rubenstein School who are currently looking for assistance with their research.  You’ll find information about their research, the type and level of help they’re looking for and how to apply.  If you’re interested in any of these opportunities, I’d encourage you to express interest/apply as outlined below.

 As I learn of additional graduate students and faculty looking for assistance with their research, I’ll send more updates.

Good luck!  -Anna







Hello again,

 Hopefully those of you who are interested in gaining research experience saw my email last week about research opportunities.  There are two new research opportunities that you’ll find outlined below.  If you’re interested in any of these opportunities, I’d encourage you to express interest/apply as outlined below.

 As I learn of additional graduate students and faculty looking for assistance with their research, I’ll send more updates.

Good luck!  -Anna



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