Experiential Learning & Job Opportunities

New Voters Project Campus Organizers

Our Future. Our Voice. Our Vote.

The New Voters Project is looking for smart, motivated, full-time organizers to get out the youth vote next fall. Apply today.

What’s in store for our future? Will we be able to get jobs, and pay off our bills and our student loans? Will the big issues of our day, like protecting our environment, student debt, or big money in politics get dealt with, or will they keep getting kicked down the road, only to get bigger and harder to solve?

One thing is for sure, we know a better future isn’t going to happen if we just sit around waiting for it. We can’t expect our elected leaders to pay attention to the issues we care about, or for things to start moving in the right direction if we don’t make ourselves heard.

That’s why we are hiring organizers to run non-partisan voter registration and turnout campaigns on college campuses across the country this Fall.

What is the New Voters Project?
For forty years, we’ve built a legacy of recruiting, training, and inspiring young people to engage in democracy. We believe that for our democracy to work, young people need to be engaged. And the first step to engaging young people is exercising their voice at the polls. The New Voters Project is the largest non-partisan, on-the-ground young voter mobilization effort in the nation. Since 1984, we have helped to register more than 1.7 million young voters and made over one million personalized get-out-the-vote contacts. The New Voters Project is a project of PIRG Campus Action.

The New Voters Project Campus Organizers will:
• Run a non-partisan voter registration and turnout campaign in a campus community. Campus Organizers recruit and train a cadre of volunteers to register 18- to 29-year-olds, collect pledges to vote from 18- to 29-year-olds who are already registered to vote, and contact all of these young people to turn out to vote on Election Day.
• Educate students and train new leaders. Campus Organizers teach citizenship and organizing skills. Campus Organizers also oversee an internship program, through which students can earn academic course credit for their work to boost youth voter engagement.
• Build a coalition. Campus Organizers work with student volunteers and interns to build a diverse, invested coalition of organizations and people, such as the student government, college president, College Republicans, College Democrats and others, to boost youth voter turnout.

APPLY ONLINE at PIRGCampusAction.org/apply.html

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