Experiential Learning & Job Opportunities

Internship opp w. Northeast Recycling Council

Here is an interesting internship opportunity for you to consider!  -Anna


Internship Title:  Sustainable Materials Management – organics, composting, and e-waste (e-scrap)

 Internship Site:  Hosted at the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Montpelier[1] on behalf of the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) based in Brattleboro, Vermont

 Description:  The Northeast Recycling Council, Inc. (NERC) is a non-profit organization committed to sustainable materials management through source reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, environmentally preferable purchasing, and decreasing the toxicity of the solid waste stream.  Eleven states participate in the organization and NERC hosts several national programs.  www.nerc.org

We are seeking an intern to assist with several projects and initiatives:

  1. NERC has grants from the USDA and EPA that focus on organics management and composting in Vermont.  These projects include working with the hospitality and sport sectors to avoid food waste, encourage food donation, and composting, as well as working with towns and counties in Vermont on similar topics.  An intern is sought to assist with this project.  In addition, we are looking for help in researching and writing a brief informational document about anaerobic digestion – making it understandable to the lay person.
  2. Assistance may be needed with a research project about the auctioning of e-waste by government entities in the United States.
  3. Assistance with NERC’s social media and marketing – especially Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  4. Examining the dozens of guidance documents, reports, and reference tools on the NERC website to ensure live hyperlinks and finding replacement links, as necessary.

Desired qualifications/skills/coursework:

  1. A minimum of at least two full years of college course work completed.
  2. Have successfully held at least one part-time job with references.
  3. Interest in the recycling industry.
  4. Ability to think and work independently.
  5. Critical and creative thinking.
  6. Strong social media skills with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  7. Strong web-based research skills.


The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) in Montpelier will provide a workstation and a primary contact person for general supervision of the intern. The intern will be required to provide their own Wi-Fi accessible laptop with Skype capacity, phone, and reliable transportation to the Montpelier ANR campus (public transportation is available).

The Northeast Recycling Council (NERC), via phone, email and skype, will offer substantive assignments and supervision and the intern will be responsible to NERC for the satisfactory completion of the project.

Start and End Dates:  As soon as possible.  Minimum of 3 months

 Estimated hours per week: 10 -12

 Compensation/Willingness to support students to earn credit:  Unpaid, earning credit is encouraged.

 How to apply:  Send a resume and cover letter via email to lynn@nerc.org and athena@nerc.org describing your interest in the position, your qualifications, acknowledgement of ability to provide your own Wi-Fi accessible laptop with Skype capacity, phone, and reliable transportation to the Montpelier ANR campus, availability in terms of hours per week, which days of the week and hours, and questions.



[1] See note under Supervision for specific requirements.

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