Experiential Learning & Job Opportunities

Paid spring & summer internship – Applied Forest Ecology

Here is a great paid internship starting this spring and continuing through the summer! -Anna

Internship Title: Applied Forest Ecology team member, Forest Ecosystem Health Lab

Description: The Forest Ecosystem Health Lab at UVM’s Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources seeks two research interns to work as part of an Applied Forest Ecology team for spring, summer and possibly fall 2016. The team will be involved in two research projects. Both interns will work on two research projects as needed throughout the spring and summer. Both projects are primarily based at the laboratory and greenhouse on Spear Street. The first research aims at assessing the impacts of two potential biological control agents of the non-native invasive insect, hemlock woolly adelgid. The second research project is focused on plant-plant interactions among native and non-native invasive plants.

Required qualifications: An interest in invasion ecology/plant ecology/entomology; proven ability to work independently with limited supervision; aptitude for learning to identify plants and insects; UVM driving certification. Each research project requires attention to detail.

Preferred qualifications: A fulfilled course in botany and/or entomology; proficiency using Microsoft Excel; familiarity with ecological concepts; and current First Aid/CPR certification.

Supervision: Dr. Kimberly Wallin, Associate Professor, Kyle Motley and Marina Golivets, graduate students, at RSENR will supervise the team daily in the laboratory. The team will meet weekly to discuss progress and assess any challenges.

Hours and Start/End Dates: 1-40 hours/ week. Start date: April 15, 2016. Weekly hours and start/end dates are flexible. $12/hr, internship credit available with the permission of Dr. Wallin

How to apply: Submit cover letter, resume and three references to Dr. Kimberly Wallin (kwallin@uvm.edu)

Application deadline: Until filled
Kimberly F. Wallin, Research Associate Professor
Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs
The Rubenstein School Environment and Natural Resources and US Forest Service
The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
312 H Aiken Center, Burlington VT 05405


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