Paper Birch Phenology at Ethan Allen Park
Sunday March 26, 2023 4:06 pm
43°F sunny at the pinnacle, slightly cloudy over the outlook, slight breeze
Changes to my Paper Birch tree:

There are still a predominate amount of buds with no evidence of flowering. Flower budding has begun on the twigs with evident flower buds, none of which are flowering quite yet. I noticed the evident dark gray sections of bark on the lower part of the tree’s trunk. I am unsure of the cause of this. I observed one bud that is potentially flowering, which is pictured below.

Other noticeable changes to my phenology site:
Most of the snow on the ground is melted or a slushy consistency, causing lots of mud. The lack of snow has allowed the moss and lichen covered rocks and ground to become visible. There is a dense leaf cover on the ground from the fall that will continue decomposing as the temperatures increase. Other plants and trees are making their transition into spring as well. Staghorn Sumac twigs are not as hairy as they were the past few visits. I also noticed an increase in bird activity both at my site and on the trail leading up to the pinnacle outlook. I specifically identified several Robins and a Downy Woodpecker!

While re-visiting my site I could see and feel the phenological changes taking place at Ethan Allen Park. I’m excited to experience the growth and rebirth that spring brings about!