A UVM blog phenologyassignment

Spring Semester Phenology Assignment #1

The Spot:

My spot is about .2 mile walk in from the sig that labels the beginning of Centennial woods. Just following the main path down until it cuts off before a bridge. Ten feet off the main path to the left.
This is an image of my new phenology spot(indicated with a red star) in Centennial Woods located on the inside of a stream bend. I walked to this spot today in 20ยบ weather while it was snowing heavily. Besides the very cold weather, it is a very pleasant spot with the sound of water constantly echoing all around.

The Tracks:

I found this tracks slowly getting covered with snow on my way out of centennial woods however they were
just to perfect to not take a picture of. I believe they are rabbit tracks because of the larger hind legs that are relatively level with each other at each print.
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