More about Me

I was born in New York City and lived there until I was twenty years old. My true passion was to live in a beautiful, safe and rural place so that I could raise a family in an environment that was very different than the city where I grew up.New_York_City_Empire_State_2010So I moved to Bethel, Vermont and built a log cabin from the beginning, no kit for this hippie!!!! Arnold-Park_Log_HomeVermont soon became my home and I have been here since 1971. It is where my two children were born and raisedsons. Although my oldest son now lives in San Francisco, he considers Vermont his home.

Teaching has always been  my passion. I have always wanted to be like Mrs. Silvermanstock-vector-back-to-school-happy-children-at-school-classroom-with-teacher-cartoon-151219358 who was my fourth grade teacher. In her classroom for the first time, we were not sitting in rows, we were allowed to read books of our choice, went on field trips, were allowed to communicate with others during class time and even learned how to knit from a disabled World War II veteranknitting_needles3. This all seems ordinary for all of you but when I went to school in the cave mancavewoman_roasting_a_pig_on_a_spit_over_an_open_fire_royalty_free_080720-152167-230033 days, these practices were very unique.

I taught 3rd and 4th grade for 34 years and it was the joy of my life. After years in the classroom I came to UVMlarge_university_row because I wanted to share  my love and knowledge of teaching to young people who wish to go into this wonderful profession. Here you will have the opportunity to change the lives of your students and make an impact on our stateVermontStateCountyMap, countryus500 and the world.Children Holding Hands Around Globe


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