Tree blog part 2

The trip to my tree was a very pleasant one. It was a very nice day and just based of the nice temperature and short sleeves it made me expect to see some progress on the budding occurring.

This blurry picture that was the best I could get with my iPhone camera and shaky hand can show some progress but still slow. There is no sign of flowering yet but the buds are definitely getting bigger and making progress into the new stage of the tree’s life.

The paper birches are one of my favorite trees because of how much color and life and diversity they can add. I walk past this tree very often and I think it adds a lot of beauty to the space even if people do not know it is doing it.

Here is a screenshot of my iNaturalist post. I checked my first post and am a bit sad that I have no comments on my first birch. I guess that must mean my first post was so flawless that no felt they needed to comment anything.