Red Rocks

I and a few classmates explored Red Rocks. It was a pretty gloomy day weather-wise and very windy especially when we got closer to the water. To find more species and their habitat we went off the trails provided and wandered through the woods. We found few animal species but saw lots of evidence that they were there.

Our only animal encounter (besides the dogs on walks) was an Eastern Grey Squirrel. We saw two of these species on two separate occasions. They were very fat because of the season but what stuck out to us was their big tails. We wondered if that also grew puffier in the winter season so they could be seen in the snow and it would allow for more warmth. In the picture below you can see the back of the squirrel by its big tail.

We were also very happy to find some poop! We found some scat which we identified to be deer scat. The area is where we found had good trees for deer to nibble on the bark especially in the winter so finding poop and next to its some tracks we assumed that a few deer were there.

We also came across a lot of trees that had signs of woodpeckers. Lot of hole carved out for shelter. This one tree imparticluar was riddled with a shelters form the woodpeckers.