Montpelier + Burlington Excursion and Phenology, 3/7/21

I have spent many hours walking around Vermont since yesterday, beginning my day in an excursion to Montpelier with some of my friends to go hiking and explore the town. My day ended with a long walk to North Beach from campus to see the sunset.

Here is a photo I took near Hubbard Park, Montpelier. A fairly typical sunny March day, fairly cold but with not a significant amount of snow away from forested areas.

As is apparent from the image, this point in March is still definitively winter in Northern Vermont. No trees outside of pines, evergreens, and cedars have notable amounts of leaves, and with the exception of a few birds such as sparrows, a crow that I saw, squirrels, and a woodpecker I did not note a significant amount of animal presence when in the woods. Alongside a snowy hill deeper into the woods, we saw a bunch of people still enjoying winter activities such as sledding.

The deeply wooded areas further up the mountains surrounding the town still have a decent amount of snow, and when passing through a mountain trail I noted some tracks from what seems to be a white-tailed deer, alongside some droppings.

Back in Burlington, here is a photo from North Beach along Lake Champlain. Snow and ice is still present, with cedars, pines, and hemlock near the shore retaining their pines and leaves. The beach was more or less deserted, with a brave couple running into to the water in low 20 degree windy weather.

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