Panasonic, headquartered in Osaka, Japan, makes a wide variety of technological products and has been since 1918. These include household appliances, televisions, phones, computers, audio equipment, cameras, and batteries of all types, including for electric vehicles. The company has a net worth of $65 billion dollars, and is a transnational corporation in its own right. …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Colonialism in Venezuela
Spain’s colonization of Venezuela began in 1502 when it established its first settlement in the present-day city of Cumana. In the 16th century, the priority for Spanish settlers was to strike it rich by mining gold. Still others searched high and low for the fabled lost city of El Dorado, supposedly brimming with treasure. The …
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The Economy of the Osa Peninsula
Over the last several decades, Costa Rica has made laudable gains in its development, many of which are attributed to a shift from an internal economy to an economy integrated with the rest of the world. Their GDP figures are significantly higher than other countries in Latin America, and the country has ranked consistently high …