DaVinci Resolve Tutorials

No-School Links

One of the key takeaways from this video is just how quick and simple Resolve makes it to correct subtle (or horrid) white balance issues, which is one of the largest problems with run-and-gun footage. With a quick glance at the RGB parade, it’s very easy to see where adjustments need to be made. Although the creator of the video uses the color wheels to make these adjustments (for the most part), I’ve always found RGB curves to be the quickest and most efficient method for straightening out a wonky RGB parade.

Color Grading 101 by F-Stop Academy

“I am a newbie to color grading….but as a DP I’m very familiar with colour, contrast and tone.

So I decided that as camera technology was advancing faster than I can keep up, I would jump into Resolve 9 when it was released and learn the power of colour grading as an extension of my skill as a DP and content producer.  With many cameras now shooting a log type of image, I figured that now is a good time to take my color grading beyond simply applying  a look with Magic Bullet (great software but it applies the look to everything like a color wash and so there is no real finesse).”


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