I have enjoyed these visits to Rock Point throughout the semester, but this one was cold and sad. It was upsetting to see the change, trees barren and colors muted, because I have felt that as I’ve been visiting Rock Point, it’s begun to reflect my journey through college. And now the first semester is over. The overall trip didn’t show many changes, besides the deciduous trees had not only lost all their leafage, but the brilliant colors from fall were absent. As always, my favorite Northern White Cedar remained, with its needles mostly intact. The grass was mostly gone, and the patches that remained were completely dead. The forest floor was mainly covered with dead leaves. Sadly my phone died, so all I have is this drawing I quickly sketched so I could head home.
It has been an interesting experience to watch the leaves fall, the ground frost over, and the flowers shrivel up. I have loved being able to have this excuse to escape to the wilderness every few weeks. While I know I don’t NEED an excuse, it held me accountable and got me outside. I would always walk over there begrudgingly, but then find myself feeling happier and more content to be in nature. I am excited to see what next semester brings for me. No matter what, I will be going back for my Northern White Cedar.