blog #3

On todays trundle to the bunker, much had changed yet again. The view had completely renovated itself once more, this time with a thick blanket of snow coating everything in sight. There was around 1 ft. of snow in the deepest spots and every branch seemed to be hanging onto whatever inches it could. The temperature today was around 23 degrees (F) and made it hard to write with brittle fingers. The wind blew intermittently, each time whisking away some flurries and sending snowballs down from the swaying treetops. The few trees still with their leaves are just barley holding on, and almost all of the ground brush has been completely covered by snow. The snow, although new to this year is not new to this forest. Throughout the centuries this land has been snowed on countless times. Being located in Vermont, snow is a welcomed and regular guest to centennial woods and to the bunker.  Behind me I notice a fallen log resting upon the back of the bunker. The log was here before but today it made me wonder what this spot looked like before it had fallen. And then I started to think about not just that tree, but also all of the trees in the surrounding area. How many have fallen and rotted away? How many saplings have persevered and grown into sturdy trunks that did not exist in the decades before this moment right now? These grounds have changed endlessly throughout time, and likely at one point this forest was partially clear cut just like much more of Vermont had been. To sit in this spot, the sense of Vermont is overwhelming, especially in the nippy weather. The combination of the snowy cold, the abundance of maple trees, and changing leaf colors make it clear that this spot is located in the northeast at least. The other Vermont native trees and species give clue that this spot is located in Vermont

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