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East Point is an amazing location, it’s a beautiful spot of wilderness overlooking the ocean. It makes me happy to be back home, and I knew this was going to be my new phenology spot. I must say, it is so different than East Woods, my spot back in Burlington. There is a large amount of shrubs and other small woody plants, I always get caught in thorn bushes. There was also a large amount of boxelders and a few white pines, but aside from that nothing similar. There were however, other tree species that I recognized to be River Birch, Wood Hazel, and Smooth Shadbush. In regards to animal life, there are plenty of coyotes roaming the area. Aside from them, squirrels, and a few local bird species, there’s not too many animals that attempt to make a home out of the rocky cliff face and often traveled path. If you walk a little ways down from where I was sitting, there is actually a Northeastern University Marine Science Research Center. They’ve turned a large portion of the area into pavement and buildings, further scaring off any animals that might attempt to call this place home. Thankfully, if you walk past the facility and scale a little cliff there is a beautiful little cove to sit in. The wildlife in this area is beautiful, it’s a serene cute natural area that I have loved my whole life.

This is about a 15 minute walk from my house, it’s an amazing place that I often come to to relax and clear my head.