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February; Survival

Several weeks ago, I was lucky to spot a red fox trotting along the opposite riverbank at The Salmon Hole. Today, I believe I found fox tracks. These foxes stick around in the winter, and sleep in the open during the day. Hunting at night, foxes primarily target small mammals such as rabbits, squirrels, and … Continue reading

Phenology and Place 11/11

My sense of place at The Salmon Hole has changed with the seasons. Since I lived in this area as a child, I have been recalling many memories from that time. Initially, the Salmon Hole reminded me of a river passing through the town I grew up in, in the Catskill mountains, because I would … Continue reading

Introduction to The Salmon Hole

The Salmon Hole is a beautiful spot on the Winooski River, along US2 near McAuley campus. On one side, a large cliff face rises out of a pool of water which is more often than not occupied by at least one person fishing. On top of this cliff and along the bank spans a thin … Continue reading