Leddy Beach saw pleasant and sunny weather on July 11th, with temperatures ranging from the mid to upper 80s Fahrenheit at about 1 pm. Clouds were dispersed throughout the sky, creating a visually appealing backdrop.
I spent much time watching and recording different aspects of the landscape on my most recent trip to Leddy Beach. Notably, the water levels were higher than usual, significantly affecting the beach’s size. Yesterday’s rain and flooding influenced this event. The excessive rainfall led to local rivers and streams overflowing, resulting in a significant water surge onto the beach area. As a result, the shoreline had substantially shrunk, leaving only a tiny portion of the typical sandy site open to beachgoers. Higher sea levels have an impact on the dynamics of the beach ecosystem in addition to changing the coastal environment. This finding emphasizes the connection between weather-related events and the dynamic nature of coastal habitats, underscoring the necessity of continuing monitoring and adaptation measures to lessen possible effects.
I planned to test my artistic abilities for today’s Wonderblog entry by painting with watercolors. I specifically decided to illustrate a collection of images I had taken at Leddy Beach. Painting these sceneries required careful consideration of the colors, brushstrokes, and methods used to properly convey the beauty and ambiance of the beach. I chose watercolor because I wanted to investigate its unique qualities, such as its transparency and fluidity, which would allow me to capture the vivacity and dynamic quality of the beachscape. This artistic endeavor served as a platform for my experiences at Leddy Beach to be showcased and shared with a larger audience and a chance to grow personally and artistically.