Centennial Brook Introduction!

For this Phenology assignment, I chose the section of the brook running through Centennial Woods that is next to the foot bridge. This area is a flat area in the forest where this stream passes underneath a small bridge, and then continues to flow next to the path and then bends deeper into the woods. There are trees, I believe Green Ash trees, that surround the brook and foot bridge, as well as Buckthorn bushes. A variety of animals inhabit the area as well, such as chipmunks and birds like Blue Jays; there are minnows and water bugs swimming around in the brook, as well. The stream bank is comprised of dirt-which turns into mud when it is wet-with rocks and grass. The water moves relatively slowly, depending on the depth of the stream and the amount of rain in it, with a few small rock inclines that increase its velocity. This area is very peaceful, with only certain bird calls and the soft sound of the water filling the empty space. To get to this lovely spot, one must follow the hiking path through the woods and down the hills, past clearings like the hardwood zone and different foot bridges, until they get to the bridge that crosses the brook. One knows they have reached the right area when they see the brook covered by the wooden plank bridge, with various trees and plants among the little body of water on the flat ground; it is very pretty especially now, when the leaves are colorful and litter the forest ground and stream. There is a fallen log with small mushroom and moss patches on its smooth grey surface in the center of the stream that I have sat on before, and on the other side of the brook across from the walking path, there is a small grass clearing that can also serve as a sitting place for visitors or animals. The brook and surrounding area is a great place to observe certain water creatures or forest animals while in a quiet setting; I always feel relaxed when I visit this spot, especially when the weather was still relatively warm and welcoming.


For this assignment, I decided to focus on the small brook running through Centennial Woods, at the area where the foot bridge is located. I will be following the progression of this area throughout the fall and winter season in this first semester.