Phenology – Anna Dwoinen

A UVM blog

November 7th, 2022

360 view of Oakledge Park Waterfront

Observations from 15 minute sit:

  • Very windy
  • The water in the lake is very choppy and aggressive and huge waves are flowing up onto the bedrock formations
  • Many rocks that were exposed before are now fully submerged in the waves/water.
  • Leaves and other organic matter is being blown into the water
  • Sunny with clear skies, very few clouds
  • No wildlife to be seen
  • Temperature reads 64 degrees F but feels colder with the wind

Birds eye sketch

Changes in Vegetation

  • Deciduous trees and vegetation have mostly lost all of their leaves
  • Coniferous trees still look the same with the amount of needles and cones that they hold.
  • Lots of leaves covering the ground from deciduous trees
  • Many pine needles on the ground that have blown off the coniferous trees
  • Grasses that grow in between the bedrock has lost its color and looks like its dying or dried out.

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