During the four-day urban BioBlitz my friends and I explored the area of Centennial Woods, my phenology spot, near campus. Throughout the semester I have gotten better at using and working with iNaturalist, at first it took me a second to get used to the cite. I think that iNaturalist is a helpful tool to identify and track species throughout the area and through their phenological stages. Throughout our exploration throughout Centennial we encountered 18 species. Looking through the other locations around the globe that participated in the City Nature Challenge was really cool to see. I think the most interesting part of it all is seeing what different species are native to each area because many are so different from what we are used to here in Vermont. My favorite species that I have seen uploaded so far in the global City Nature Challenge is the Cape Dwarf Chameleon in Cape Town. The Chameleon is super cool looking and so different from the native species in the Greater Burlington area.