
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


  There is but grey, there’s no more brown.   Thats one hell of an apple colored maple   Ever been to a place called Finstable?   Her branches skewed like a bent up staple   This looks a lot like a place called Finstable   These pines are bent and falling down  

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A Story of Time There

I showed up at my spot and stood up on top of one of the dead pine trees that ley across the path. The atmosphere seemed still and lifeless. It was cold, gray and quiet other than the creaking of bald trees being blown furiously. A few minutes had gone by, I was still standing […]

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All the changes seen in this area are rather predictable. The excitement of the chipmunks and squirrels can no longer be detected as easily but they can still be seen out doing some last minute forging before they hide away for the winter. The air that once covered my face with sweat and mosquitoes is […]

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Map of My Spot

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Marked Location

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I chose this spot because it is very quiet and peaceful. It is rather deep within centennial woods as to escape the noise of highway 89. It is about a 5 to 10 minute walk inside of the woods and if fairly easy to find so long as you stay on the main trail. Two […]

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