My Spot!!

Hello! My name is Abby Savoie and I am a freshman majoring in Environmental Studies at UVM. I have chosen a location in Burlington to visit weekly to learn about phenology, and this is my first post sharing the place I have chosen! I chose an area within the Centennial Woods Natural Area. At the start of this semester, I did a self guided exploration of Centennial Woods and thought it was really beautiful. It is also very accessible and I have gone back quite a few times already because it is so nice to leave campus and spend some time in nature every once in a while! Therefore, I thought it would be a great choice for my phenology project. To find my spot, one must walk all the way down Catamount Dr (on some maps it is written as Carrigan Dr) and actually pass the Centennial Woods entrance, instead going to the back parking lot and entering the woods in the far left corner. Walk straight for about 3 minutes and then take a left, walk down a slight hill and there will be a little brook with a small bridge. This is my spot! 

Species in My Spot

Here are some pictures of my spot! The first picture is from 10/10 and the second picture is from 10/17. A majority of the vegetation in my specific part of Centennial Woods is the trees and shrubs. There are many large trees and a few smaller ones. I noticed a lot of American Beech trees in the area, but there are also many pine trees. Buckthorn can also be found in my area, along with many ferns.

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