Archive for the ‘Paper Birch in Centennial Woods’ Category

4/10/23 Paper Birch

10 Apr

Upon revisiting my paper birch at Centennial Woods I discovered that nothing had changed. The buds still haven’t bloomed, but that is to be expected because they fruit and bloom in late April to June. The snow is all gone in Centennial and the mug is starting to dry up which makes conditions ideal for hiking.


Paper Birch in Centennial Woods 3/27/23

28 Mar

I went back to check in my selected paper birch in Centennial Woods. All the snow is gone so the landscape looked a bit different which made it harder for me to find my tree. Luckily I was able to find it but I have almost nothing to report. The buds haven’t changed noticeably but the surrounding area has. The birds are back so the woods is full of their songs. I had time to sit down near my tree and eat lunch. It was so peaceful; I highly recommend it.


Paper Birch in Centennial Woods 3/7/23

07 Mar

Today I went out to centennial Woods in search of a paper birch. Of course, it didn’t take me long because they are abundant and easy to spot. I knew this tree was in fact a paper birch because of its distinct bark. Unlike yellow birch, paper birch has pink bark under the peeling bark. It was hard to see the buds on the tree because they were up in the branches, but I could still tell they had grown in.

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