RealServer usage analysis

On Dec 6, 2013, at 2:05 PM, Kent Saunders <> wrote:

Looks like it’s getting some use.  Here are some stats going back three

month, hits, unique ip addresses, unique files
2013-09, 59177, 1265, 996
2013-10, 60788, 1282, 1609
2013-11, 57178, 1267, 963

I did  a much deeper analysis, stripping of HEAD requests, limiting to response code 200, found that the great majority of hits were robots, stripped out those IPs, and usage was low indeed. Even lower when limited to RTSP requests. Looks like the majority of requests for file were in fact HTTP request for metafiles containing an rtsp:// URL which was not subsequently satisfied by by an RTSP request: that is,   people were requesting videos through their web browser, but didn’t have RealPlayer nor the RealPlayer plug-in to actually watch the video.

Most hits were on Leonard Perry’s Perennial Pages

and extensions Across the Fence pages

Those folks should be contacted and advised. Is that an SAA job or a CTL job?

CMSI hits appear common, too, but I can’t ascribe a definitive owner. However, since they may be related to a course, I’m sure CTL will hear about it if they don’t work

Top 10 HTTP requests

GET ramgen/eng57/und_race.rm?embed 315
GET ramgen/events/commence04.rm?embed 294
GET ramgen/jqsmith/MyVideo.rm?embed 293
GET ramgen/gutman/swapan1.ra? 289
GET ramgen/CRS/ddeutl/Willisto.rm?embed 224
GET ramgen/pass/olallie.rm 165
GET asxgen/atfence/atfsv100104.wmv 134
GET asxgen/atfence/atfsv100402.wmv.asx 133
GET ramgen/pass/fruits10.rv 113
GET atfence/atfsv100402.wmv 92

Top 10 RTSP

GET cmsi/human_la.rm RTSPT/1.0 42
GET gutman/swapan1.ra RTSPT/1.0 39
GET soc101/soc101_suicide_clips.rm RTSPT/1.0 38
GET pass/lec21a.rm RTSPT/1.0 34
GET cmsi/human_la.rm RTSP/1.0 25
GET cmsi/dialect.rm RTSPT/1.0 24
GET cmsi/dialect.rm RTSP/1.0 21
GET cmsi/human_la2.rm RTSP/1.0 20
GET cmsi/dialect1.rm RTSPT/1.0 18

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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