Socwork problem

Helpline wrote me:

Entered on 02/01/2006 at 10:42:58 by Mike Kontrovitz:
Judith called back regarding this. Can someone please give her a hand?

Entered on 01/30/2006 at 11:36:00 by Zak Brown:
Client needs to update the Social Work training signup page/database.

She was told that she needed to download and install MySQL Connector to be able to
accomplish this. That piece of software doesn’t appear to be available from the
University, and is not supported. Not sure where the recommendation for this came
from, or if there is now another program to be used. Laurie, could you look into

I called Judith C. Ingalls-O’Keeffe

The "MySQL Connector " she describes is the mySQL ODBC connector described here:

She downloaded and installed that, and was then trying to access her data using MS-Access. Several problems from here:

  • She is located in F&A Partnrshp 7 Kilburn St 3 F — that is, off campus. The UVM mySQL database server does not allow connection from off-campus computers. I walked her through downloading and installing the Cisco VPN client, which allows her off campus computer to behave like an on-campus computer
  • She was launching MS Access, choose "File==>New==>Blank Data Access Page" . Near as I can tell, the Blank Data Access Page only allows connections to Microsoft SQL servers — not mySQL servers.

So I walked her through the "File==>New==>Blank Database" instructions, again as detailed here

This got her to the tables; However, this does not necessarily match the instruction provided by Sarah Gallagher, IV-E Program Coordinator, or Ilan Agwin, who I believe developed the database and wrote the associated php code ( )

So, immediate problems perhaps solved, but may require followup with Sarah or Ilan

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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