
Tina Escaja wrote

 I am currently working on bringing three Spanish visual artists from London and Spain next Spring to the L/L Gallery. I am going to collaborate to the project by placing around the wall of the Gallery a bar-code-poem that the visitor can scan and then listen from a close-by computer. I found out that what I need is the alpha-numeric code 128, or something like this, to be able to have words with the bar code. But the visual also plays an important part in the exhibition, and I would like to use the more classic Bar-Code style and separate the lines of the poem by extending the lines of the bar code.

Instead of numbers, we would have the words of the poem with separations for each line of the poem.

What do your think? Perhaps we could play with some program to make this possible…

I am also attaching the poems that I would like to have bar-coded. They are in Spanish, so another possible option would be to have two levels of readings (like one in Spanish and one in English… with different colors?)

I am going to present some of my visual poetry in Spain this November. I wonder if it could be possible to have an example by then.

Here’s an example poem:

Lugar del silencio

Mantenerse fuera, privado, cómoda en la medida
en que las flores brotan
y los grillos ofrecen espasmos rituales.
lo demás no existe
Mantener la distancia, la perfecta armonía de un silencio perfecto.
Protegida del ruido, del estertor del miedo, de la falacia humana,
simple y serena.
Hundida en el amor frugal a lo inmediato.
lo demás no existe
el dolor no existe no existe el grito ni la falta no
No pasa     nada.
Silencio quieto, partitura en blanco.
La paz hipócrita del enamorado.
Vanidad del refugio,
mientras el mundo sucumbe y sangra.
sucumbe y sangra
silenciado y mordido.


El lugar del silencio es la indiferencia.

First, gotta convert to 7-bit ASCII, save in text file named, say, poem

Then, download and install barcode from here

Write a little script

local $_;
my $i=0;
while () {
    `barcode -b "$_" -o "poem$i.eps"  -e "code128" -p "11x2in" -E`

This outputs each line of poem as an EPS file, which can then be manipulated easily in PhotoShop or Illustrator.

Read the poem back: This sound file created with Text  Reader

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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