How to Complete the PADA in a Course Binder

  1. Log-in to Tk20 (See instructions here.)
  2. In the left-hand column, select Courses–>Coursework–>Course Binders. 
  3. In the list of course binders on the right, select the course binder which identifies the course you are taking.  (ex. EDSC 209 Course Binder).
  4. Select the Self-Evaluations tab.
  5. Open the appropriate PADA assessment (Midterm or Final) and complete the form.
  6.  See the notes below to consider while completing the form:
  • The PADA is used  in clinical field placements throughout your program to document growth in your professionalism and dispositions over time.
  • The PADA is not a graded instruments
  • All practicum students & interns develop in their attitudes and dispositions at different rates.
  • It is not expected that you will score in the “Target” category in all dispositions.
  • Rate yourself in relation to where you are right now in your teaching program.  Keep in mind that “Target” refers to where we’d expect you to be in towards the end of your student teaching placement.
  • You could be at “Target” on some parts of an element and “Developing” on others. In that case, it is up to your judgment to determine whether the overall rating is “Developing” or “Target.” However, provide clarification about strengths and areas of growth in the comment box.

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