My primary research interests are in moral philosophy, history of modern philosophy, and philosophy of religion. I also have strong interests in epistemology, philosophy of language, and political philosophy.
I’ve written two books in metaethics that offer arguments for a full-blooded version of moral realism. They are Speech and Morality (Oxford 2016) and The Normative Web (Oxford 2007). My book Ritualized Faith (Oxford 2016) is a collection of my essays on ritualized religious activity, especially within the Eastern Christian tradition. In my view, it’s a topic that is both fascinating and underexplored by philosophers.
I am presently working on two book projects. The first is a short book on Thomas Reid’s ethical theory. It’s entitled Active Ethical Agency (Cambridge, forthcoming). The second is a book developing moral nonnaturalism. I’m coauthoring this book with two terrific philosophers: John Bengson (University of Wisconsin, Madison) and Russ Shafer-Landau (University of Wisconsin, Madison). Its title is Understanding Morality (Oxford, forthcoming).
I’ve also edited a variety of different books, including three volumes of my teacher Nick Wolterstorff’s papers.
3am Magazine recently did an interview with me. You can find it here: