Monthly Archives: February 2019

Winter Life


Today during my trip to Centennial, although I did not see any animals, I witnessed many indicators of life in the area. Heading down the path, I spotted what looked like the paw prints of several dogs. These animals were clearly having a fun time running around and exerting excess energy. Entering into the less-travelled core region of my phenology site, by the brook, I spotted the tracks of deers who had appeared to cross the river. Additionally, I saw what looked to be the pacing prints of a raccoon. Listening I could hear a crow somewhere in the canopy. Lastly I noticed what looked to be a cluster of small, black snails gathered on a dying tree.


Compared to my last visit in December, life in the area has seemed to pick up. I received this impression based off of the many animal tracks present in the area. Deep snow covered all areas of the ground now and enclosed the brook edges. Although the forest remains bare, the area’s Eastern White pines provide a small amount of vegetation up in the canopy. Tree decay has continued on the fallen and death trees at my site, but many hardwoods stand tall and healthy waiting for spring. Some of these species included:

Ash Tree

Sugar Maple

Beech tree
