Assessment & Marketing in Student Affairs: Dr. Patience Whitworth

Today we learned all about assessment. Dr. Whitworth shared with us her excitement towards assessment. She was able to translate that into something very practical for us and that connects to our everyday lives. She began by sharing the following theory with us. untitled

The this theory is based on the idea that we each have a core and that our identities orbit around that core. However, what identities are salient to us are all based on context.Dr. Whitworth gave the example of being in a room full of men, as someone who identifies as female, her gender identity is most prevalent to her in that setting. This would differ if it was a room full of women, then maybe something like race or sexual orientation would be most prevalent.Dr. Whitworth mentioned that when she does assessment she likes to keep this theory in mind and bases her observations of students on it.

Furthermore,Dr. Whitworth gave us a look at the assessment continuum, which increases complexity and integration as it narrows down. As we went through each part of the continuum, I was able to see the variety of ways that assessment is not only done in student affairs, but is really crucial to a lot of the work. Assessment not only allows for data, but if analyzed correctly can bring positive and more concrete change to the division.

At the end of the workshop,Dr. Whitworth gave us the opportunity to do some examples based on some programs we have worked on. I looked at an outreach program that I oversee. In my assessment, I would try to find the # of students that attend college after attending the outreach program.Dr. Whitworth also said that with some data you can get more creative, for example how many more of the students applied to college, went on college visits, felt an easier transition and many more! Overall, I learned the value of assessment and how it really helps concentrate the efforts of the division. Plus, it allows for a stronger presentation when asking for funding or that a new program be created.

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