End of the Year: Final Goodbyes

Wow. What a year. The leaves are finally starting to show their faces and bud, and the once very muddy trail is dry enough for steady footing. The curled fiddleheads are now very visible, and poking out of the dirt. The brook is now steadily flowing, and the forest floor is covered in sprouting plants. I see other students walking by, enjoying the sunny day. The entire university community regularly enjoys this conserved area in warm weather, and its inspiring to see. The way the usage of land has evolved over the years is amazing. From agricultural land to maturing hardwood forest, nature is reclaiming the land. After spending a semester watching the seasons pass and the scenery change, I feel a part of the landscape. I have evolved along with the landscape, and just like the perpetual changing of seasons, I am perpetually learning. Understanding the fundamental science of the location I stand on changes the way I look at the location, and it adds so much to the personal connection I have with the land. Thank you so much for reading with me, it’s been a fantastic year, and I’m thrilled for the years to come!

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