
The sense of place of my site in terms of phenological changes is not going through a lot of changes compared to the rest of the forest. Because my site is a lot coniferous trees there has not been a lot of changes in terms of the plants. This is the main reason that there are no more changes for my site. However I have noticed that I see a lot less animals recently in the forest. There has been a decrease in bugs. I have also noticed that there is a little bit more light making its way through the canopy of the forest. 

The sense of place of my site in terms of my site as a component of a larger ecosystem has also been going through changes recently. All of the changes stated above are also happening in the rest of the forest. Because of how far away my site in from the entrance I have to walk through most of the forest, and everywhere in the forest less things are happening. But there are also things that have not changed, like the power lines that run next to my site. They are still there and physically connect my spot to a larger community. I generally think of centennial woods as separated from the city and campus, but it is really not we impact it as much as it impacts us.

The sense of place of my site in terms of my site as living through history is also going through changes. We make history everyday. When you walk through the woods and step on an ant, you are forever changing the history of that ant colony. This is something that is always changing, even if we cannot see it. Currently I cannot see any changes in terms of history, but that does not mean they are not happening.