2/11/16 Blog Update


-My location is Colchester Pond in Winooski, VT. It is about twenty minutes away by car. You can get there by driving north east on route two then, turning onto route two-a until you reach a small dirt road that leads to a parking spot. After exiting the car the pond is right in front of you and it is large. It is a mile in length and covers 182 acres with a two and a half mile. I choose this spot because it is a large beautiful landscape that has a large amount of biodiversity. It is cared about by the community and efforts are made to preserve the land.


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There is a lot of interplay of nature and culture at Colchester Pond. The pond has already been altered by people by enlarging it for the addition of a dam. It is a large sight of outdoor events as kayakers, canoeists, and fishers. Along with the people visiting the pond, many water birds rely on the pond. Birds such as  Canada goose, mallard, great blue heron, Virginia rail, and the uncommon American bittern. This has made the pond an “Important Birding Area”. Dispersed fences and stone walls indicate that the area around the pond to be used for pastoral land.

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