July 26, 2010

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Many of you have experienced the stress of too much work. Papers, tests, journals, so much at one time!

Here are a few suggestions when you are feeling stressed because of too much work:

1. Speak to your professor.

Professors can often help you prioritize what you should work on or give you additional guidance about an assignment. Sometimes, professors are willing to give you more time if you truly are trying to handle a lot of work at one time.

2. Make a priority list

Figure out what assignments are most important and spend the most time working on that. If a paper is only worth 5% of your grade and an exam is worth 25%, it is better to take time studying for the exam and less time working on the journal. Also, you might have to say “no” to your friend who wants to go see a movie or go shopping and study instead!

3. Find a tutor

In the Fall, you can go to the Academic Support Programs Office (Living/Learning Commons 244) and get set up with a tutor for one or many of your classes (for free!) For now, you can talk to any of the tutors at night in Tupper. We can help you edit assignments or make a priority list.

4. Relax

If you get anxious, don’t sleep enough, or don’t give yourself a rest from work, you will be less productive. Take breaks to walk around, exercise, and give your brain a rest from studying.

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