November 3rd

Here is a map of my journey to my spot on November 3rd. I had the joy of getting to pet a cute doggo at the trailhead. Just as I started to walk, I felt a raindrop and looked up at the dark sky, expecting a heavier rain. Though many would not favor trekking through the woods in the rain, I was eager for it to come down, for I want to experience life in my spot in all weather. As I kept walking, I noticed some beautiful bright green moss growing on a dead log that I hadn’t noticed before. After this, I began to search for more moss and found some cool patches (see photos below!). After I crossed the foot bridge, it started to drizzle a bit more. The leaves were slippery beneath my feet, so I had to walk carefully. When I reached my spot, I sat on the damp sitting rock, closed my eyes, and listened. I heard the sound of the little stream, a small animal scurrying by, and some birds chirping. The wind got louder even though there were no longer any leaves on the trees for it to rustle through. In fact, with all of the leaves gone and mostly bare branches, my spot felt sort of empty. I could see much farther in all directions around me, and it was much more luminous even though it was dark and cloudy out. I chose a big white pine to climb, and got a view from a bit higher up. I felt tall and powerful, like a sturdy old tree must. I was above many smaller trees in the understory, and I watched life below: squirrels ran by and dug in the dirt, and I even saw a bunny (and sadly ran out of room to draw it on my event map)! As I sat up high, I took in all of my senses, and wrote this poem:


Feeling Beauty

It is not enough to notice

Beauty by walking by


I must trace the patterns of tree bark

And stretch up to the sky


I must notice the leaves’ crackle

And listen to the stream


I must taste the crisp air

And watch the sunlight gleam


I must smell the rich soil

And feel the wind stroke my face


I must detect what is the same

And what is new around this place


I must wait for the creatures

To come out from where they hide


I must restore my connections

For this beauty to be clarified







































































~ by kiperry on November 5, 2018.

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