Human History–stone-walls-the-stone.jpg St. Albans, Vermont has always been known for their farming, with rich, dark loamy substrate that is suitable for cultivation. Settlers used both of my phenology places as farm land, and there is evidence to show that. As you look around you will notice rock walls, or barriers cutting through the land. Over the […]

The New Phenology Place Writing Prompts

1) My new place is secluded and is not scene by the human eye every single day. This place is located in the middle of a large plot of farm land with woods woven within. The environment and the feel of the area sucks your soul out of you, forcing you to be one with […]

Phenology Place #2

Photos Taken By Isaac Cioffi My Location

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Photos Taken By Isaac Cioffi

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Drawing By Isaac Cioffi

Birds Eye View

The St. Albans Rugg Brook runs right through my site, and the last time I visited was during the very dry days. This time I made a visit after there was rainfall, so the amount of water in the brook increased. Also, slowly I am seeing the number of leaves on the trees decrease and […]

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