The New Phenology Place Writing Prompts

1) My new place is secluded and is not scene by the human eye every single day. This place is located in the middle of a large plot of farm land with woods woven within. The environment and the feel of the area sucks your soul out of you, forcing you to be one with nature, taking everything in. Taking a deep breath, I fully absorb every piece and pattern surrounding me. I’m not alone. The screech of two red tailed hawks soaring over me warns all species that I have arrived. As the sun creeps out of bed, the wilderness gets more lively. The birds start chirping, the crows start screaming, and the sound starts traveling. No more peace and quiet, all sound consists of wildlife pursuing their day. The chickadees make an appearance chirping away in the wood line, flying limb to limb, tree to tree, getting curious about the strange figure in their home. It appears that humans don’t exist to them as one of them lands on the top of my head, as I stay as still as a statue. The birds come and go, along with a lonely little field mouse, as it crawls up onto my right leg, wondering what this new species was sitting in its grass. All animals are curious as a family of bluejays bounce around, stirring up the leaves behind me, getting feet from my spot. Despite no deer to claim, the beauty of these species, the views of the slow moving sun over the mountains, and the beautiful landscape, are enough to capture my love.

2) My two spots, both in St.Albans VT are special places that consist of similar qualities, but in different ways. My first spot is surrounded by human activity, constantly being monitored to be the best environment, while my other spot is made for hunting, farming, with wide open fields, and pieces of wooded areas. While sitting in my first spot next to my house, an occasional neighborhood cat will make an appearance, scoping out any activity going on. No matter which type of animal or species is living within the environment, they’re all the same. A human life has intruded their territory, they’re curiosity takes over, stretching their comfort zone, getting closer and closer. Whether it’s a blue jay in the forest, a neighborhood cat, or a chickadee, they will work to find out what’s going on. As these animals come closer, I take it in, absorbing their thoughts and actions, they have the right to get closer, I am in their area. Staying still is key, learn from their actions, what they do, how they react to you, it’s a learning experience for both you and the species.

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