One Last Visit

As the last week of classes comes to an end, I decided to visit my phenology location in Centennial woods for the last time this year. Since my visit in April, not much has changed, except for a few more buds on the trees and few more wildflowers starting to poke up through the underbrush. the water of centennial brook is flowing strong now and is paving its way into spring. I look forward to seeing Centennial Woods with a full and lush green canopy next fall.

Centennial woods is special in a way that it is a wild a natural area in the center of the urban hub of Burlington. And I think that perfectly describes the culture of Burlington. People of all ages and backgrounds use centennial woods as a natural escape, which is something Burlington values very highly. I would certainly consider myself a part of my place. As a student at the University of Vermont, I feel as though I have a stronger connection to the area and more of say in what happens to it. I also recreate in Centennial woods often by going on trail runs, which has connected me to my location even more. I also feel as though I am a steward of centennial woods since I’ve participated in class activities, labs, and projects there.