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Phenology Blog

A creative poem

Posted: November 14th, 2018 by ecunniff

I enter from the south

Through winding down hill paths

I step across tree roots

And leap over large rocks

My spot has changed since last

The leaves begin to fall

The ground now hard and rough

The wind now chill and brisk

But despite the colder weather

Or snowfall soon to come

This place still feels like home

This place is what makes me me.


Birds Eye View

Posted: October 22nd, 2018 by ecunniff

Centennial Location

Posted: October 8th, 2018 by ecunniff

My Phenology Spot

Posted: October 8th, 2018 by ecunniff

I enter Centennial Woods from the main entrance. The path leads down a mild decline as it curves to the right. Roots stick out and rocks are visible under the dirt. I come into a flat and somewhat open area surrounded by trees. The ground is mostly dirt and rocks, with some grass. There is a dead and fallen tree to the right. I stand in the middle of this opening. This is the center of my spot. There are buckthorn planets on the edge of the clearing, as well as some ferns. The trees consist mostly of Boxelder, Northern Red Oak,  a Sugar Maple, and some Ash. 

As I entered the area a chipmunk ran off, and robins flew from tree to tree. I chose this place because it is peaceful. It is a place I find myself in often for both NR and Ecology of Place. In addition it is a great place to go to when I need some fresh air or to clear my mind.

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