fiNaL pHenOlOgY

As my first year at UVM comes to an end, I part ways for the summer with my phenology spot. I first discovered this spot on a hike with some friends through Centennial Woods, and fell in love with its secluded peaceful energy it radiated. From there, I began visiting this place each week, before […]


Unfortunately, my phenology location had no “flowers” blooming. However, the spot had a great amount of beautiful soft moss, sprouts and ferns. Moss is one of my favorite things, I’m a texture person and moss has such a great texture. the ferns were ostrich ferns and they were bright green and beautiful. I’m hoping by […]

A New Environment

During my break I spent as much time as a could at the beach, despite the very much NOT beach weather. The beach is my happy place, my favorite place. I love the ocean, the waves crashing, and the sand in between my toes. I live a 5 minute walk from the bay, and a […]

Wetland, Woodland, Wildland

I would classify my spot in Centennial Woods as a Northern hardwood forest, with many wild land qualities. My spot, as well as Centennial Woods as a whole has a vast amount of hardwood species that dominate the area such as Sugar Maple and Birch. There is a lot of shade cover as well. The […]