In the style of Mabel Wright

November falls with leaves. It’s colder but the snow from the storm left. Wings flutter as moving shadows quickly to other trees. A multitude of House sparrows fly in the depth of tangled branches. The Blue jay bellows its call as another responds. It flies in the lower edges of woody trees and on branches of taller trees. The water trickles slow through the channel downstream. Ripples flow through the leaves that sit delicately on top each other. English grey squirrels race each other across the log hanging over the stream. The leaves rustle as squirrels forage for nuts. This is the center where all birds from either side pass, a ceremony where house sparrows sing among northern cardinals. It’s a harmonious celebration of diversity. There are numerous kinds of woody plants and trees that surround the width, Ashes, Whorled wood asters, Rowan shrubs, Elms, Boxelder, Striped maple, and Tulip popular. Black-capped chickadees perch on black cherries that hang high. American beech leaves turned sunset orange. Crabapples hang with their berries by the bridge. White flowers sprouted. Mourning doves gather, huddled on the ground. Majestic tufted titmouse fly quickly across different branches. Rodents skitter in and out of cracks in the stone wall. There’s a wooden bridge, rustic and fitting of the setting. When bird feed is placed on the post, they will fly from all directions, a true spectacle of beauty.

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