Spring break at home phenology cite update

My at home phenology cite is an area of woods located behind my house in Brookline MA called Lost Pond nature reserve. Originally the area that lost pond was built on was an area of forest that contained the town dump. It was used at a storage place for the towns trash for many years but after the dump was capped the town needed a new use for the land. It was decided that the land would be converted to protected forest and that trails would be made to run through it so that people could enjoy the woods. Given that it had snowed early in the week I couldn’t observe anything on the ground layer but there were plenty of other trees and tall shrub sticking out of the snow. One of the major differences I noticed between this forest and my phenology spot in Vermont is that there were allot less coniferous trees in Brookline than there were in Burlington. I also noticed that there were allot more animal tracks and a greater variety of animal tracks in my at home penology spot than my one in Vermont. While I didn’t see any birds during my time in the woods I did find an empty birds nest in a bush while walking back.


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